Iby'Iwacu Cultural Village

Batwa men with outfit at Iby'iwacu Traditional Village (Rwanda)

Communities around the Volcanoes National Park have embraced this Community Based Tourism project to raise their income levels through a participative approach in tourism as an incentive for conservation.
40 % of the expected profits will be put back to community development projects (research, conservation, education, cultural and ecotourism development) and 60% will go directly to local people in the villages who will determine what to do with it.

Iby'Iwacu means "the way we do, our way of living".

The village is located on the edge of Volcanoes NP and the local community displays the traditional ways of living, traditional dances and songs ( Intore, Ikinimba, Batwa dances and many more), local fire making, visit to the kings house replica, shooting arrows, Traditional healer (with Kubandwa/Nyabingi experience), grinding millet on traditional stones, banana beer making experience and many more.

Iby’iwacu is comprised of settlers some of whom are former poachers - turned conservationist. Through community sensitization, most have joined this initiative and also encouraged others to quit the barbaric act of poaching. They have been embraced by the community and are recognised by park authorities.

Magic Safaris supports this initiative and has included the visit of the village in most of it's Rwanda Safaris.


Grinding Millet


And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment which precedes the trip, the moment when the horizon of tomorrow comes to visit us and tell us its promises
Milan Kundera
Czech writer