Journey to Uganda’s most isolated national park

Dried Kidepo River (Uganda)

Kidepo Valley is one of the least visited national parks of Uganda. It is because of this that its beauty remains intact to-date. According to CNN, “it is the best of Uganda”.  Home to the smallest tribe in Africa, the park offers spectacular landscapes and it has species that are not found anywhere else such as cheetahs and wild dogs.

A combination of Kidepo Valley NP & Murchison Falls NP is a match made in heaven. This tour will offer you the best of Uganda in its truest form.

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is running a festive season price discount. From 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021, the following discounts have been offered:

a) 50% discount on park entrance fee for Lake Mburo NP, Queen Elizabeth NP, Kidepo
Valley NP, Murchison Falls NP, Semuliki NP, Toro Semliki Wildlife Reserve, Katonga
Wildlife Reserve, Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve and Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve.
b) 50% discount on birding fees.
c) Reduction on gorilla and chimpanzee tracking fees for all visitors:

-    Gorilla permits reduced from USD 700 to USD 400
-    Chimpanzee permits reduced from USD 200 to USD 150

This reduction on gorilla and chimpanzee permits will only apply to new purchases between 1st December 2020 and 31st March 2021 and not on reschedules.



Parks & Places
Discover Entebbe & Kampala
Discover Murchison Falls
Discover Kidepo

Special Intrest
Balloon Safari
Wildlife viewing


BUDGET(**): Papyrus Guesthouse, Fort Murchison, Kidepo Savannah Lodge.
MIDRANGE(***): The Boma, Pakuba Safari Lodge, Nga Moru Wilderness Camp.
HIGH-END(****): No.5 Boutique Hotel, Baker’s Lodge, Apoka Safari Lodge.

More information on Uganda Recommended Accommodations

ROAD MAP (Estimates): 

Murchsion Falls-Kidepo:

  • Itinerary
    Journey to Uganda’s most isolated national park (Kidepo)

    Day 01: Arrival at Entebbe
    Day 02: Flight to Murchison
    Day 03: Hot air balloon safari, game drive & boat trip to the falls
    Day 04: Road transfer to Kidepo Valley NP
    Day 05: Hike Murongole & visit the Ik
    Day 06: Game drive & hot springs in the Narus Valley
    Day 07: Transfer to Murchison Falls
    Day 08: Game drive and transfer to Entebbe

  • Day 01
    Arrival at Entebbe

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

    Meet and greet at the Airport by your Magic Safaris guide. You will be transferred to your hotel in Entebbe.

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

  • Day 02
    Flight to Murchison

    After breakfast, you have a few hours to relax or explore Entebbe town and its surroundings before your domestic flight to Murchison Falls NP. Your airport transfer this mid-morning is booked with your accommodation, you are expected to be at the airport at least 1 hour before take-off (at midday). Your flight will be in a 11-seater Cessna Caravan. Each passenger is allowed a luggage limit of 15 kilos.

    On arrival at the airstrip, our driver/guide will be waiting for your transfer to your accommodation. There are 2 airstrips: Bugungu (South bank) & Pakuba (North bank).

    - If you are staying in the northern bank, the rest of the afternoon will be spent on a game drive exploring the park.
    - If you are staying in the southern bank, you will have a sunset boat cruise on the Nile.

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

  • Day 03
    Hot air balloon safari, game drive & boat trip to the falls

    Hot Air Balloon (Murchison Falls Uganda)

    With its typical Borassus savannah, the Nile river, the falls and its spectaculars game viewing it’s probably one of the most beautiful national parks of Uganda. The park is home to different wildlife including several mammals such as Rothchild’s giraffes (an endangered species), hyenas, lions, antelopes, buffaloes, elephants and so much more as well as plenty of bird species. These are widely spread over the park and will make the hot air balloon worthwhile.

    - If you are staying at the northern end of the park, you will be driven to the take-off point by your driver/guide. Those in the south, will first cross the river using speed boats and then driven to the take off point.

    - On the drive to the take-off point, enjoy taking photos as they watch the balloon inflation process. You will then be briefed on safety regulations by the pilot and start flying around 6:00 am right before sunrise.

    The Balloon ride lasts for about an hour after which the balloon lands and you receive your participation certificates. Depending on where the balloon lands, a mini game drive will be organized. The hot air balloon trip lasts about 2 hours.

    You will continue to the bush breakfast location prepared by the Paraa Safari lodge chef in the bush, the location is secured by UWA armed rangers. The rest of the morning will be spent on a game drive. We return to the accommodation for a hot lunch.

    - The afternoon will be spent on an extensive exploration by boat on the Nile river, upstream towards the Falls. This is where the Nile explodes through a narrow gorge and cascades down to become a placid river. You can admire on the slopes of the Nile river, the big number of hippos, elephants and the Nile crocodiles. The launch trip is a unique adventure, full of activity and constant surprises!

    Bird watchers will appreciate the rich bird life while on the boat.

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

    The spectacular Murchison Falls, were 'discovered' by Sir Samuel White Baker in 1864. Baker spent some time to explore the Albert Nyanza (lake), during which he demonstrated that the Nile flowed through the Albert Nyanza (lake). The Falls were named after the President of the Royal Geographical Society. The Society has been a key associate and supporter of many famous explorers and expeditions, including those of Darwin, Livingstone, Scott, John Hannington Speke, Henry Morton Stanley.

    Hippo (Murchison Falls Uganda)
    Saddle-billed Stork
    Nile Crocodile (Murchison Falls Uganda)
    Boat trip on the Nile River up to Murchison Falls
  • Day 04
    Road transfer to Kidepo Valley NP

    A long drive today!

    After an early breakfast, you will set off for Kidepo Valley NP with your driver/guide. Enjoy eye-catching sights and some spectacular scenery along the way. Cross some seasonal rivers and catch a glimpse of the Manyattas (small grass thatched house) where the Karimojong live. These reside around the borders of the park.

    Kidepo is Uganda’s most pristine, unexplored game reserve teaming with abundance of wildlife.

    You will arrive in the late afternoon for a late lunch and an evening game drive.

    Dinner & overnight at your accommodation.

  • Day 05
    Hike Murongole & visit the Ik

    After an early breakfast, you have an option of exploring the park through game drive all day or you may go to meet the smallest tribe in Africa.

    Should you opt for the former, your day will start very as we catch the splendid sunrise in the park and we continue to see the animals in the park. During the game drives, you will see wild dogs, spotted hyenas, oribi, bushpigs, elands, lions, among others. The park is also rich in birdlife: pygmy falcon, Egyptian vulture. Not to mention, the picturesque landcaspes.

    If you choose the latter, it also includes a hike of the Murongole Mountains. Catch the beautiful sunrise and enjoy the abundant game in this park.

    You will hike the Murongole Mountains and this will include a visit to the Ik tribe. You will not only enjoy magnificent views atop the mountains but also meet these gentle people that call this place home.  A day with the Ik people is simply an amazing adventure giving you a rare insight into an endangered tribe in Africa with less than 15,000 members which renders it as endangered for its future existence as they attempt to eke out a living high up in the mountains with some of the most fantastic scenery in of Uganda.

    Sometimes called Tueso, the Ik are an indigenous community living in the high mountains of Murongole. The Ik migrated from Ethiopia, settled in Kenya and then moved to present day Karamoja. They were the first settlers in this region. In the 1960’s they were forced to migrate to the mountains when their first home was turned into a wildlife reserve.

  • Day 06
    Game drive & hot springs in the Narus Valley

    Another early morning as we head into Narrus Valley for a game drive. The Narrus River is the only source of water in the park and this attracts lots of wildlife to this area and it is a great observation point for ostrich and leopard (if we are in luck).

    Return to the lodge for a hot lunch and then return for another game driven near the border with South Sudan.

    Dinner and Overnight at your accommodation.

    The Narrus Valley is known to possess the largest buffalo herds than anywhere else in the entire world. You may also spot some of the big cats: lions, leopards and cheetahs that can only be found in Kidepo.

    Leopard (Uganda)

    Red-billed Oxpecker (Uganda)
    Cape Buffalo with Yellow-billed Oxpecker
    Yellow-billed Oxpecker (Uganda)
  • Day 07
    Transfer to Murchison Falls

    After breakfast, you will drive back to Murchison Falls NP. On arrival, you will have the rest of the evening to relax and relive the Kidepo experience.

    Dinner and overnight at your accommodation

  • Day 08
    Game Drive and transfer to Entebbe

    If you are staying in the north, an early game drive will be organized and then you will return to your accommodation for a hot lunch. After lunch, your driver/guide will drop you off at the airstrip for your flight back to Entebbe.

    If you are staying in the south, your driver/guide will drop you off at the jetty for a cruise on the delta. The Victoria Nile Delta is a peaceful stretch where the River Nile flows into Lake Albert and it is here that the park’s prime wildlife is explored by boat. You will have an opportunity to view large numbers of hippos and Nile crocodiles as well as various bird species some of which are endemic to this region.

    There are also spectacular views of canoes of fishermen catching tilapia on Lake Albert and people from the nearby community drawing water from the Nile River. After this boat ride, you will return to you accommodation for lunch and then your driver/guide will drop you off at the airstrip for your flight to Entebbe.

    This is the end of what we hope has been an amazing & memorable journey in the Pearl of Africa! 

    Rotchild's Giraffe (Kidepo Uganda)
    Zebra - Uganda
    Serval (Uganda)

Your lifetime experience

This safari idea can be tailor-made to create a unique holiday for you. With our intimate knowledge of both Rwanda and Uganda, we look forward to designing and organizing a personalised and memorable holiday.

Contact us for a free quote

The Tour Package includes: Airport transfers, lodge accommodation, all meals, plenty of mineral water, the services of a Driver-Guide, all park and entry fees, all activities as per programme: visit of the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary, game drives at Murchison Falls NP, boat trip on the Nile up to the Falls, visit of the top of the Falls, chimpanzee Habituation in Kibale**, game drives at Mweya, boat trip on the Kazinga channel,  game drives in Ishasha, gorilla trekking in Bwindi**.

It excludes: International flight ticket, beverages, tips, visas and personal expenses.

What to bring with you? Money for your personal expenses, outfit with adapted colours for wildlife observation, good walking shoes, raingear, a few long-sleeve shirts, slippers, sweater for cool evenings, sun protection: hat, sunglasses, sun cream, video/photo camera, a 200 mm or longer telepholens is very usefull, reserve batteries, films and a torch.

Uganda Visa & Travel Requirments: Find out more.

And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment which precedes the trip, the moment when the horizon of tomorrow comes to visit us and tell us its promises
Milan Kundera
Czech writer